This is the most important knowledge if you want to be a quality breeder. The next step after you finished spawn your lovely betta fish is raising their children to grow to adult.
You can read knowledge about how to spawn betta fish by click here.
The first of my experience in raising baby betta fish , I can feed them alive 8 betta fish only!! hahaha. After that I try to raising them with carefully and I observe that what make they are happy and growing up with the higher rate. And this is the best solution from my experience...
1. I choose the ready male & female for spawn. More details click here.
It will give you the bigger fry (bigger baby betta fish). This means that the fry will healthy and growing up with easily....and give more high survival rate.
2. Prepare optimize spawn tank before spawn them. More details click here.
3. Follow this advice : Tips for spawn betta fish
4. Now you receive a lot of baby betta fish which are 2-3 days old.
5. Give baby betta fish with dissolve chicken red egg for 7-10 days.
Warning!! Give dissolve chicken red egg to the fry 2 times dairy and don't give it too much each time because the water will rot. You can add a little of new water when the fry is 6-7 days for slow down the bad water condition.
You also see the floating oil on the top of water surface. Please follow this solution for remove the oil. If you don't remove the floating oil , water condition will be bad because oxygen cannot dissolve into water. You just...
Put newspaper's paper cover the top of water and wait about 5 seconds then push it up.
Repeat this solution 3-5 times. The oil on the top of water's surface will be removed.
And add a little of new water to their tank.
6. Now the fry is 10 days old. The next food that I feed them is water flea. More details click here.
But I know that somebody cannot find water flea so I advice Brine shrimp. More details click here.
Feed baby betta fish with water flea or brine shrimp for 2-3 weeks with 2 times dairy.
Warning!!! If you feed baby betta fish with brine shrimp more than 3 weeks , baby betta fish will swimming with strange manner.
7. Now baby betta fish are about a month old. They can eat Mosquito Larva , Red water worms and Frozen red blood worms.
I also recommend steam egg. It is the useful food for the fry because the fry can eat it all day. You put steam egg into their tank in the morning and remove the rest of it in the evening.
Feed your lovely baby betta fish with these food and try to train them to eat Pellet food during this step.
As soon as they can eat pellet food , it is easy for you now!!.
8. Now your baby betta fish is big enough. If you have a water condition problem , you can replace water with siphon hoses.
9. Separate them when they are 2-2.5 months old because they will bite each other.
10. Try to spawn and raising baby betta fish with yourself!!
Have a nice hobby!!!