FOOD FOR BETTA FISH : 8. Brineshrimp's eggs (Artemia)

What is Brine shrimp?

Brine shrimp is...
hm.. Let's see the picture.

Brine shrimp is a very small egg. Sometime we call "Artemia's egg".
If I cannot find "water flea" , I will use Brine shrimp for baby betta fish. It's a bit difficult for use and it is very expensive. The brand which has high percentage hatch (more than 90%) will very expensive. So now I avoid to use brine shrimp for baby betta fish.

After you open Brine shrimp's can ,you must keep it by cover it with carefully , avoid humidity and separate it for enough use. The rest of it ..keep it in refrigerator.

If you cannot keep it as well , it will be rotten. And you cannot use it again.
I will post tips&trick about how to hatch brine shrimp's eggs later.